News Network for uplifting stories, it was also a very challenging time without too much hope for the near future.
This March is different. We’re now on the opposite side of the curve and things are improving. Absolutely incredible to think that not only have scientists created multiple successful COVID vaccinations, but that a good percentage of people are getting vaccinations and within the next 5 weeks it should be open to all people. We’re seeing races come back with modifications for COVID safety and fall marathons are now being put on calendars rather than removed. It’s truly a March filled with much more hope. In listening to The Morning Shakeout with Mario Fraoli interviewing Shalane Flanagan, she described the sense with her athletes as “hopes and dreams becoming more tangible now. Getting closer to thriving rather than surviving.” While we’re not back to normal yet, there were some moments of normalcy in the last month. I competed in the Spring Equinox 4-Mile that happened in Fort Collins. There were many options for wave starts so I was able to select a wave start time that was after Levi’s nap so he and Kristin could come watch. It was so fun to be at an event, hear the band playing, go rip 4 miles as fast as I could and hug Kristin and Levi at the finish. I ended up running 18:37 for a course that was around 200m short of 4 miles, so close to 4:50/mi pace for 3.86 miles. A really great sign of solid fitness that’s improving each week. The next month will be a blend of time trials, virtual running events and hopefully another in-person race. The first week of April I plan to do a one mile time-trial on the track to get out of my comfort zone and then plan to do a 10K time trial and hopefully another in-person local track meet towards the end of April. It’s hopeful and exciting to be back competing again! If you’re looking to help bridge the gap to in-.person racing, check out The Kauai Marathon’s “Stride for Kauai – 100 Mile Challenge.” It’s a fun virtual way to tour the island on foot between April 1st and July 31st and be inspired to get out and run! Hope you’re finding more hope and inspiration as we move into April with warmer days, more sunshine and races on the horizon!
forest, a great view and incredible peace and quiet. Sure, the home had pink carpet in bathrooms, a lot of floral wallpaper, 26 tropical fish themed decor items, nearly 30 year old major appliances with many that didn’t work and a windy steep dirt road to get there. But, it was truly perfect. Only a few months after moving in, I met Kristin and we started dating. We got engaged and married in the two years following. Together, we turned that house into a home for us and it was truly very special. When we were done with literally replacing every major appliance, every piece of flooring, every inch of paint, it was a home we were immensely proud of and a dream come true through an incredible amount of patience and hard work. When I first visited Colorado in 2008 and spent a day exploring the mountains with a run on Magnolia Road, I knew I wanted to live in the foothills someday. I dreamed of this for many years and after a lot of hard work and planning, I bought a home that was absolutely perfect for me. I had singletrack dirt trails outside my log cabin that bordered national forest, a great view and incredible peace and quiet. Sure, the home had pink carpet in bathrooms, a lot of floral wallpaper, 26 tropical fish themed decor items, nearly 30 year old major appliances with many that didn’t work and a windy steep dirt road to get there. But, it was truly perfect. Only a few months after moving in, I met Kristin and we started dating. We got engaged and married in the two years following. Together, we turned that house into a home for us and it was truly very special. When we were done with literally replacing every major appliance, every piece of flooring, every inch of paint, it was a home we were immensely proud of and a dream come true through an incredible amount of patience and hard work.
One of the biggest realizations for me in this process is that goals and dreams can change... and that’s a good thing. In fact, if my goals and dreams are not changing from time to time, there’s probably a good chance I’m just going through the motions. I still have big hairy audacious goals with running - I want to be a fighting contender at bigger road races and marathons, to be a contender at the 2024 Olympic Trials, try to win a national championship and make a US team. But in the shorter term, I’ve also shifted my goals in running. Rather than trying to figure out the next marathon I can do, I really want to work on getting outside my comfort zone in shorter intervals, workouts, and disciplines. I want to get on the track, try to improve my 5k and 10k PRs this year, and not set limits on my 1500m, mile or 3K PR even if it’s a time trial in practice. I’m excited for these different goals in the first half of 2021 and excited for an opportunity to challenge myself in a different way...and explore some new neighborhood trails while I’m at it!